Managing health data from remote biomedical IoT devices

Discover how Assystant, in collaboration with a pioneering biomedical devices company based in Italy, transformed the landscape of healthcare through cutting-edge technology for Parkinson’s disease and acute respiratory disease.

Client Overview:

Location: Italy
Client Name: Biomedicallabs
Domain: Biomedical Devices
Collaboration Time: 2018 – 2020

The project:

Our client’s Research and Development team innovated two new IoT devices to their product portfolio. One is a wearable device for people with Parkinson’s disease; The other is a portable device for people suffering from chronic respiratory problems. However, the client had yet to develop web and mobile applications to manage the data from the devices. Thus, the client engaged Assystant as an expert to develop the applications to achieve faster time to market, application predictability, and stress-free maintenance. The challenge presented was to create a web and mobile application aligning with the client’s vision: fast, easy-to-use, and reliable, with real-time medical data capabilities. The application needed to support files from various remote sources, including newly built custom proprietary hardware devices, ensuring the confidentiality and separation of all medical data. Compliance with industry regulations and providing tangible benefits to medical staff were imperative.

Key Challenges:

  1. Data Security: Ensuring the safety and privacy of patient data.
  2. User Accessibility: Creating an application accessible to medical professionals 24/7.
  3. Limited Documentation: Dealing with new medical devices and scarce documentation.
  4. Regulatory Compliance: Meeting industry regulations and standards.
  5. Integration: Seamless integration with existing systems.

Our Involvement:

We undertook the responsibility of crafting an end-to-end mobile, web and integration solution for our client, catering to the continuous needs of medical professionals.

Our Solution:

Our consultants worked closely with the client to understand and analyze their products to advise on the features and architecture of the web and mobile applications

  1. Strategic Technology Guidance: Our experts conducted a comprehensive analysis, advising the client on the most cost-effective and suitable technology solutions aligned with their business strategy.
  2. Customized Architecture: A tailored strategy and architecture were devised to meet the unique demands of our client, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness. It also involved the utmost care of the security aspect of the project because of a large volume of sensitive user health-related data. 
  3. Application Development: We delivered a robust application designed to manage data efficiently, ultimately increasing the effectiveness of medical professionals working in collaboration with our clients. Although, we planned the architecture at an enterprise scale but executed the development phase of the project at Startup speed without diluting the quality of the delivery.

The Results:

The implementation of our system has ushered in a new era of healthcare excellence:

  1. Real-time Data Access: Medical practitioners now enjoy instantaneous access to patient data.
  2. Enhanced Treatment Planning: Improved tools for treatment planning and decision-making.
  3. Streamlined Communication: Facilitated seamless communication and collaboration among healthcare providers.
  4. Improved Patient Care: Data-driven decision-making has significantly improved patient care and outcomes.


Collaboration with the client and speed of execution by our team enabled the project to achieve the objective in a stipulated timeframe. Assystant’s commitment to innovation has empowered our clients to make a positive impact on the healthcare landscape.

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